Grote Voorraad Bamboe Materialen en Producten Masters of Bamboo

Bamboo, our Passion!

Masters of Bamboo

Quality, Expertise & Reliability

Discover our extensive range of bamboo products soon!
We are working hard to replenish our stock, so keep an eye on our website for the latest additions.
In the meantime, our Masters are ready to answer all your questions and help you find the perfect bamboo solution for your project.

Lowest Price

Buy direct from the source, lowest price guaranteed.

Large stock

Come and pick it out for yourself in our warehouse and take it with you straight away.

Fast delivery

Delivery time 2-4 working days throughout the Netherlands and Belgium.

Pay later

Safe & easy payment, or pay later.

Quality guarantee

Always a 14-day reflection period, 100% money back guarantee.

NEW Bamboo Garden Box Berry Original

Shop the look

Bamboe pergola met tropisch dak
Bamboe Bos Zon Lucht

Why Bamboo?

Bamboo is much more than a great bow material, our passion for this wonderful plant is primarily due to its positive impact on people and the environment. For example, planting bamboo helps combat global warming, and our trade helps combat poverty in developing countries. With your purchase you directly and indirectly help create a better, more social and healthier world!

Strong and Durable

Higher tensile strength than some steel alloys and higher compressive strength than some concrete mixtures.


In addition to being a versatile building material, it is also a basic raw material for the wood, paper, food and textile industries.

Grows lightning fast

The fastest growing bamboo grows up to 91 cm per day. Giant bamboo grows 30 m tall in just 6 months.


Bamboo is a grass and continues to grow indefinitely. 30% of a plantation can be selectively harvested annually.


Warm and exotic in the round shape and with a luxurious hardwood appearance in the pressed version.

Environmentally friendly

1 hectare of bamboo forest converts approximately 35% more CO2 into oxygen than one hectare of regular trees.

Habitat Protection

Bamboo forests provide a home to many animal species that are in danger of losing their habitat due to deforestation.

CO2 Reservoir

Holds huge amounts of carbon. Up to 600 tons per hectare (over a period of 30 years).

And much more...

Tonkin sticks

Bamboe lat 4 cm breed

Bamboo Slats

Bamboe Rolgordijn Compleet met Ophangsysteem 200 x 200 cm

Bamboo Roller Blinds

Halfronde bamboestam Tali 6-8 cm

Half Round Bamboo Poles

Strodak 100 cm

Thatched roofs

Sterk bindtouw manilla

Bamboo Fastening Material

Bamboe spiraalboor


Bamboo Cleaner

Bamboo Maintenance Products